Getting ready to for, pregnancy and motherhood,
is a sacred, spiritual journey to welcome and raise a child into the world. It's an intuitive process that requires a woman to access her inner shakti power.
There are so many physical, mental, and emotional shifts happening while preparing to raise a child. There is also a lot happening in the unseen spiritual realm. Taking on a spiritual and conscious perspective on pregnancy and motherhood can enrich your experience and bring deeper meaning to your journey.
I encourage mothers to reclaim birth as a normal, natural, sacred part of life is to reconnect with your innate wisdom. Even when medical interventions are necessary for the safety of mom or baby, the sacred nature of birth can be preserved.
Pregnancy Yoga class, Is a wonderful way to prepare for labour and birth.
Each 60 minute class consists of yoga-based exercises movement, breath awareness, meditation techniques and relaxation to keep you fit and healthy during your pregnancy.
The classes are specifically designed as gentle, yet strength building to help you release tension, relax & be comfortable throughout your pregnancy.
You will also learn techniques to help you through labour with or without medical pain management.
Each class concludes with an opportunity to chat and ask questions about birth related topics
Nourish the Mother
A Mother's Blessing Ceremony is an event that creates space to honour, support and celebrate a woman's spiritual journey into motherhood, with the focus on her, rather than a conventional baby shower where the focus is on the baby.
A Mother's Blessing Ceremony involves the mother to be gathering in person at a home or at my studio with close women friends and family members around. The aim is to shower her with love, support, and bless her on her journey into motherhood.
Some common activities during a Mother's Blessing Ceremony would be:
If you would like me to organise and facilitate your Blessing Ceremony we would have an initial meeting to plan what you would like. We could tailor make the event to suit you and your group, you would then send me the emails of everyone you would like to invite and I would take care of the rest. I would get the group together and let everyone know what to bring.
If in your home I would come early to the ceremony to get the space ready and welcoming. I would then facilitate the women in your life to support you, hold you and celebrate you and your transition into motherhood.
Price starts from £150.
Please get in touch for more information.
Closing the Bones is a ceremony to honour the end of a pregnancy it consists of a womb massage and body wrapping using fabrics (a Mexican scarves called a robozo) to rock, bind and close the pelvis.
It is a traditional ritual used in Ecuador and other parts of Central and South America after women have given birth to support their postnatal recovery.
As well as many benefits physically, there is also an emotional and spiritual aspect to the massage too, it provides the mother space to feel nurtured and release emotions associated with giving birth and motherhood.
The ceremony can be considerably powerful in helping to heal emotions, even many years after the birth itself.
Just you and I - £85 1.5 hours
This can be very powerful in a one to one setting to go deep into and honour your journey through pregnancy, birth and motherhood. We take time to chat in the beginning, considering your pregnancy, birthing experience and motherhood and what has been significant moments for you and your transformation into a mother. I will then do an abdominal massage, use the rebozo to rock your pelvis, bind it and then wrap your hole body into a cosy coocoon of blankets and scarfs. Once you are wrapped, I hold the space in a number of ways, usually with visualisations, soothing words and sounds - this time is usually quite profound for women to connect with their journey of transformation.
In circle with your women friends and family (4 -12 people) - £150 3 hours
I will hold the space as a ceremony allowing your friends and family a chance to share their love and support for you as well as honour your journey and transition into and through motherhood. This is a space to invite your loved ones in and if need be a place to release any emotions from your birthing experience or postnatal period and move forward as an empowered and supported mother. I will meet with/ contact your friends and family first to share a song with them and let them know how they can be present. You will then join. We will have a circle to share everyones blessings, then begin the massage, at the time of wrapping, your loved ones will take part here. We will then sing together, share a poem, meditation and have hands holding you. To finish we will go round the group with some words of more love and support and then close. You may also like your friends to each bring a dish and then you can feast afterwards!
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