A time of epic transformation
shocked, fearful, just having a really tough time this phase of your life Did you know can also be the most powerful?
Almost everyday a speak with women who is having a really shitty time with their cycles and peri-menopause symptoms. I often hear stories of woman fighting to get a diagnosis or find the right support and treatment for them. Instead they are offered anti-depressants, contraceptives to mask the problem… then finally maybe they offer to surgically remove the organ- because you no longer need it… right (but do we?)
The problem that we are facing is that our modern society still does not understand enough about women’s health and women’s bodies to fully understand. Modern medicine has been built on centuries of a male dominated society and even today a woman body is thought of as some sort of baby machine and often the only solution.
I am not saying that our G.Ps or medical science are is all wrong but the fact of the matter is that our local doctors are not menopause or even specialists regarding the female body. They are overworked and overstressed with limited time with you to truly understand your symptoms and how they can help. Not enough medical research had been done and the money as always comes from the big pharmaceutical companies claiming that there magical pill take away all dis-comfort.The problem with menopausal symptoms is that they are so vast and they can last from a couple of month to 12-13 years! Some women sail through and some women don’t.
Let me support you on your journey
In the meantime, be kind to yourself
Be be kind to yourself, and take nourishment and rest, the
second suggestion is to practice Grounding, Centering and Orienting, and the third suggestion is to step into connection online or in person with myself or trusted individuals and groups. It often takes a connection with another person to encourage us to be kind to
ourselves, or maybe we need to practice grounding, centring and orienting before we are able to reach out for help or to recognise the need to be kind to ourselves. So please don’t
see these as one step that leads to another, but rather a trio of suggestions that might happen in any order, or even all co-exist.
Simply to be kind to yourself, and take nourishment and rest.
Simple Selfcare menopause tips
This can be as simple as STOPPING right now– to exhale. Press your feet into the floor.
Feel your hands and face.
Drink water, have a warm tea or soup.
Step outside if you can – if it’s possible, walk or stand barefoot on the earth.
Eat some food you love.
Take time to be in outside, wherever you are – even looking up at the sky, that is nature! Be
close to trees and plants and animals if you can.
Take a warm shower or have a bath. Maybe put salt in the bath, or use Epsom salts or
whatever oils you find calming.
Massage and oil your feet.
Get enough sleep, and rest when you feel tired.
If you enjoy yoga nidra, lay down and practice this too – make rest a priority and do some
resting every day. Don’t wait to get tired before you rest – make it part of every day.
If you can please do these things every day.
Take care of yourself.
You are precious and deserve time to rest and be
Dionne Myers
Book a private 121 consultation
A opportunity to get a understand of your symptoms, cycle awareness. To connect deeply with your body to heal and nurture. I will prescribe tailored practices that should ease symptoms and help you during this time of transition.
The Rise of She Menopause online course
Coming Spring 2022
What to understand more, want to learn about the tool I have to ease your symptoms. Want to tap into your inner power. this course is packed with knowledge, re-learning, mediation , yoga, yoga nidra and healing. This supportive course will help you daily through perimenopause and beyond