Sister, have you ever heard of yoni steaming? This self-care practice, also known as vaginal steaming or v-steam, has been around for centuries and is believed to promote healing and toning of the vagina. By applying gentle heat and moisture, herbal steam permeates the external vagina and carries medicinal plant properties to the tissues, increasing circulation and stimulating healing.
Yoni steaming is a powerful ritual that not only nourishes the vagina but also helps in restoring divine femininity. It helps improve stagnation and cleanses old residue in the vaginal canal and womb space. This is especially important because if blood from the previous menstrual cycle has not been properly cleared, it can cause painful cramps during the next cycle. By doing vaginal steams, you can assist your body with cleansing and improve circulation, which enhances the body’s own healing mechanisms.
On an emotional level, yoni steaming activates a connection to femininity and is a powerful act of self-love. It’s a self-care practice that many women do 1-2 times per month (never during your period or ovulation) unless there are deeper issues you are working on healing, such as infertility and hormone-related imbalances. In these cases, it’s best to work with or consult a practitioner for support or work with your midwife or doula.
I offer v-steam and I can prepare a unique blend for your specific needs and body. I offer the combination of v-steam and womb massage, which when combined, work to clear stagnation and promote circulation to the area.
So, what are the benefits of yoni steaming? Well, there are several benefits to this sacred practice, varying from emotional and spiritual healing to physical cleansing. Different women steam for different reasons, and it’s essential that you know what you are doing, what herbs you are using, and why you are doing it. The frequency of yoni-steaming rituals varies from woman to woman, so pay attention to your body’s signals and find a pattern that works for you.
Yoni steaming can help in balancing menses by relieving menstrual pain and reducing brown blood, thereby balancing menstrual issues over time. It can also increase fertility by supporting proper blood flow to the pelvic area and preparing the womb for a possible pregnancy (never steam when pregnant or if you think you might be!). And lastly, yoni steaming has been utilized as a standard postpartum ritual for women around the world, promoting healing from the birthing process and supporting postpartum recovery.
Overall, yoni steaming is a powerful self-care practice that can promote healing and toning of the vagina. It’s important to do your research, know what you are doing, and listen to your body’s signals to find a pattern that works for you. Download my FREE yoni steam guide So, go ahead and give it a try, and let me know how it goes!
If you would like to purchase some herbs from me or arrange a yoni steam with me in person or online please get in touch [email protected]