How to spiritually cleanse to improve your energy

Why we burn, smudge and light and spray – It not just because it smells nice!

Smudging for cleansing and purification

Why do we cleanse 

Do you ever feel down, depressed, anxious, stressed and just not yourself; do you pick up on other people’s energy, do you find this has an impact on you?  (of course, your do!) 

If this is the case try cleansing yourself and the spaces around you.

Everything is made of energy, this energy can fluctuate which is what we need we need a balance of feeling energised, positive and then grounded calm and relaxed.  There’s also more negative energy that can build up around space and in people. It’s very easy for that energy to build up and bring you right down like a thud. I sure you have all experienced this at some point. 

This is why we cleanse our space to tend to the energetic clutter.

Getting in the habit of removing the negative, chaotic energy that surrounds you could make your space feel lighter, brighter, and more creative. Once you start you will notice the difference around you and the people that enter the space.  

At my yoga studio and this practice of cleansing space is hugely important, it is done before and after class.  Reason being is that we have constant flow many people coming into the studio all holding and bring in with them their energetic and physical tensions. Hopefully during the practice of yoga and meditation they release and let go.  That energy has to go somewhere. So, you will often see me and my teaching team opening the windows after class and cleansing the space.

When to cleanse your space and yourself

Palo Santo and power way to cleanse, sweet less heavy smell

Use you intuition as to when the time is right, here are some suggestions

  • When you’re in a funk or having a bad day: Negative energy in your home may be feeding those feelings.
  • When you have had guests in the house, particularly is you are aware that they are holding any negativity.
  • If you were just sick: Along with the stress of feeling under the weather, the physical condition carries negative energy into the space around you.
  • Following a breakup or loss: Clearing during heartache or grief can help you to process pain and move forward.
  • After arguing with your partner: You said some things. They said some things. Now that the disagreement is over, it’s time to clear the air—literally.
  • During any major life transition (think a new job, partnership, or pets/ babies arriving): Clearing out the old creates space for the new energy these things bring.
  • When you’re feeling stuck: If you want to improve your life and haven’t made progress, it might be time to question whether your home is keeping you stuck in the past.
  • Before, any spiritual practice or ritual.

Cleansing your space

Smudging with sage, or other dried herbs, Palo Santo, Insense, Florida water, Moon water and Salt are just a few of the many ways we can cleanse our space.  It’s a spiritual practice that has been done in many different cultures all around the world. It’s certainly worth exploring your own heritage and see what resources you have around you.  My heritage is based in Scotland -Saining Scottish tradition of purification- Often done using dried Jupiter)

 This way the cleansing is more authentic to yourself.  If using the tools such as white sage, palo santo, honour the culture and where they came from with respect and acknowledgement. 

How to cleanse

Set a new intention as you cleanse. Speak it out loud to get the shifts in motion. 


“My intention is to cleanse negative energy from my home so I am focused and productive” or “My intention is to release my ex’s energy and feel peaceful again.” 

Cleansing with smoke, I always start at my head and hover the smudge all around my face, back of the head I then move in circle motions around my entire body working down around my arm and hands then my legs and feet.

Take your time, make it purposeful.  As you smudge deeply breathe in the aroma.

In a room, open the widows. Let the negativity out and the fresh air in Smudge into the corner of the room, around the door ways.

Type of ways you can cleanse

Mini Simmer Bowls People all over the world have long burned certain fragrant herbs to clear negative energy. I often do this at home by popping a can of water in the stove with some of my favourite herbs.  I also have little pots/oil burners around the house, using a tea light candle to heat up the mixture.  As I prepare these, I often say a little intention and make it more of a ritual, spiritual practice.

Sesame seed oil 10 ml 

Dried rosemary, rose buds, lavender

2 drops of frankincense essential oil

1 drop of Jasmine essential oil

Water to top up

Shimmer and enjoy the relaxing atmosphere which will be calm and relaxed.

Burning Dried herbs including sage  Pop your dried herb of choice in a fire-safe container and light until you see a flame. Blow it out. The orange embers will continue to burn. Fan the embers while spreading smoke thoroughly into every crevice of each room.  Or use a herb bundle like sage -(not for pregnant women or rosemary) Taking care for any ash or ambers, that may cause damage to the floors and furniture.

Crystals are gifts from the earth that carry various beneficial vibrational properties.  Placing crystals or stone around your home to clear negative energy.  Both black tourmaline and hematite are great for this.

Noise The sound of drums, gongs, and even clapping hands can help break up negative energy. You can start at your front door and move clockwise through the inner perimeter of your home, playing an instrument (or clapping) toward the walls, until you’ve made a full loop. 

Palo Santo is a type of fragrant wood names “wood of the saints” that’s native to South America and can be burned as incense. It is thought to be a vigorous energy cleanser; it has been used for spiritual practices and healing ceremonies as far back as the Inca empire.  
Light a stick of palo santo and let the flame burn for up to one minute. Blow it out and walk through the areas you wish to cleanse, allowing the smoke to waft through the room. With a spirit of gratitude, ask the smoke for its blessing and protection.

Salt has been used for sterilizing everything from cutting boards to wounds (ouch!), and it clears negative energy too. Here are some ways you can utilize it throughout your home:

  • Dissolve sea salt in a spray bottle filled with water and mist the air of every room.
  • Place a thin line of sea salt in front of your home’s entrance or around the perimeter of your property.
  • Include a small dish of salt on your alter or at your front door
  • Dissolve salt in water used to clean surfaces and floors.
  • Sprinkle into the corners of your room and on window sills. Leave for a few days then clean away. Re-apply when necessary
  • Use Himalayan salt lamps.

Smells There’s a reason so many cleaning products are lemon-scented. The smell of lemon is naturally invigorating and uplifting. Here are some unexpected ways to use it at home:

  • Simmer lemon peels in water and let the steam scent your space.
  • Leave small dishes filled with fresh lemon slices around your home.
  • Put lemon essential oils in your diffuser
Citrus peel is great way to lift the energy in the room.

Lemon isn’t the only scent that can give your space a quick boost: Sage, lavender and Frankincense oil can also be great at dissolving negativity. You can either place them in your diffuser or fill a clean spray bottle with equal parts witch hazel and distilled water, add 20-30 drops of essential oil of choice, shake, and mist your living space. 

Or opt for fresh scents instead and place fragrant plants like peace lilies, aloe vera, or English ivy in vases around your home.

Florida water, moon water Using a spray bottle or your hand and fingers, spray or flick the water around the room with intension.  Florida water is an interesting one.  This liquid is believed to enhance spiritual rituals. Florida water is an alcohol-based cologne first used in the early 1800s as a perfume. More recently, it has become a staple in mystical practices. It’s primarily made by the company Murray & Lanman and carries a very citrusy, floral scent.

Harness the power of imagination Imagine a glowing, golden light inside your heart space. As you breathe in deeply, expand that light until it’s outside of your body. Now spread that light into your living space, with the intention that all of the energetic congestion clears out.

Try some of the above and let me know how you get on. I would love to hear how you cleanse and how it makes you feel.  

With Love respect and gratitude 

D x