MUGWORT is without doubt one of my favourite herbs. Not only does it sound like something you would read in a Harry potter book, it actually hold magical qualities! It is great herb to support women’s health. Known to many as the magic herb it has powerful qualities. Mugwort repels evil spirits, negative energies. Is known for lucid dreams, divination, strengthening psychic abilities and intuition. It has a strong connection to the moon.
I hang mugwort over my front door to help keep negative energies away and use it in my sacred smoke cleanses. It also calms the energy of a person especially when ingested as tea and helps to awaken the third eye. This helps for deeper subconscious travel and spirit world communications. It enhances your dream work, helping you to recall dreams for journaling and deciphering messages. When burned it creates a stronger bond between the thin veil of the physical and spiritual world. Using mugwort regularly helps to awaken your psychic senses and spirituality. In the past you it was said that you could spot a healer midwife or witch as you would see mugwort growing around her home.

To induce vivid dreams, many people make a tea consisting of Mugwort (for dreaming), Rosemary (for remembering) and Lavender (for relaxation). You can also take a mugwort tincture before bed if you prefer.
Some people find that just having it by their bed or under their pillow is enough to bring their dreams to life. You can fill a sachet (or “dream pillow”) with freshly harvested mugwort and allow the aromas to work their magic.
As a tonic, Mugwort is highly sought after for its affinity for the female reproductive system. She dispels cold & dampness in the womb, and is commonly used as a uterine stimulant that can both bring on delayed menstruation and aid in the balance and support of a regular menstrual cycle. This can be achieved by taking mugwort internally (tea, tincture) or applying it topically onto the lower abdomen.
Mugwort is a warming uterine tonic and emmenagogue (which is why pregnant women should not take this plant). The uterus depends on healthy circulation (blood flow) to the pelvic region and strong uterine muscles to fully release each cycle. If the uterus is cold and not receiving enough qi/blood, the body will have to strain & contract to push out the stagnant blood. This is where painful menstrual cramps stem from.
Mugwort can also relax the muscles to further assist with heavy cramping, and its antispasmodic actions can really help to soothe you within the first 2 days of bleeding. A wonderful way to use mugwort is through making a womb oil or salve which will help to bring on bleeding and shift any stagnation…
I offer my own blend to my clients. Reach out if you would like some.

Mugworts Latin name (Artemisia vulgaris) comes from Artemis, the Greek moon goddess who supported women at crucial points in their lives. The same way the moon pulls the tides, herbs that are associated with the moon (and thus, divine feminine energy) are great at pulling/releasing stagnant energy from the body. This is also what makes mugwort a great digestive aid, helping us to release bile/digestive juices.
Mugwort has been used for women’s health throughout all life stages. One of its common names is ‘cronewort’, which shows that it was considered helpful for older as well as younger women.
Mugwort is a releasing plant, whether that’s suppressed emotions in dreams (release of the psyche), or stagnant blood via menstruation (which can be kick-started with mugwort’s stimulation of blood flow to the uterus).
Specifically, mugwort may be a natural remedy for menopause symptoms. Much of the evidence for this comes from a small study in which mugwort was able to reduce the frequency and severity of hot flashes. This is also a traditional use for mugwort
Because it is bitter and warming, mugwort kick-starts the digestive system, stimulates the liver, and boost the immune system. We need bitter herbs like wormwood and mugwort in our lives now more than ever, as we become more sedentary and our body’s systems become sluggish.
- ASTRINGENT (tightens and tones lax tissues, can help tone the uterus to prevent cramping)
- BITTER (great for killing parasites, stimulates all digestive secretions including HCL + bile for the breakdown of dietary fat)
- DIGESTIVE (helps the body absorb nutrients)
- EMMENAGOGUE (stimulates blood flow in the pelvic area to encourage the smooth flow of menstruation).
Mugwort also will
- Boosting energy
- Promoting blood circulation
- Relieving headaches
- Supporting liver health
- Relieving itching
- Increasing urine output
- Easing digestion problem
- Repelling insects
- Relieving muscle aches
- Normalizing menstrual cycles
Around 1,000 years ago, medieval brewers used Mugwort to make a beer or ale called “gruit”. Because this beer was served and enjoyed in a mug, it is thought that is how Mugwort got its name – wort meaning plant or herb in Old English.

Where to find Mugwort
Mugwort is found growing wild across much of UK, Europe and North America. You can harvest mugwort from the wild (make sure to see the plant four times in the same area before I forage, as “never taking the first means never taking the last.” You can identify mugwort by the white/silver undersides of the leaves and the tall flowering tops that can grow up to 6 feet! To harvest Mugwort for FOOD, take the leaves when she is under a foot high. For DREAMING / use as MEDICINE, take her when in bud before she flowers (July-September).
You can purchase or collect her seeds as she plants well in a pot although she can grow very high.. Always making sure to only take what I need from the top 1/3 of the plant.
Dried mugwort is available online. Try as always to purchase from an ethical, organic source. Give it a try, I would love to hear your experience with this magical herb.