Closing the bones

Closing the bones

Closing the bones is a powerful ritual which I believe should be available to all.  All Genders all ages.  Closing the bones is perfect ritual after any transition, or rite of passage being birth, menopause, new job, birthing a new project or an end of a relationship.

One of my most powerful ceremonies to date was honouring a woman who had undergone the huge transition of gender change.  This ceremony still gives me goose bumps as I remember how powerful the energy was in this room that day.

Nicky- “I feel as though I have been reborn, finally birthed as a female.  All those years of hiding myself and not feeling connected to my body. This experience took me back to being a baby feeling held and supported. In a cocoon of love. A deeply healing and powerful experience.”

Some of the most common reasons people choose to have  CTB Is:


Miscarriage/ abortion



End of a relationship

New job

Fresh start

Illness recovery

Trauma recovery

Any Transition physical and emotional

Spiritual shift

Peri menopause/ menopause


What is Closing the bones?

Closing the bones mostly is known as a postpartum ritual that is designed to help nurture and heal a new mother. It usually involves a massage followed by a tightening of scarves around several points on the body. Depending on the culture it can also incorporate bathing and sweating rituals. At its heart, it is a process to bring the mother back to herself after the birth.

pelvis pressure – closing the bones

Its Origin

The most well-known version comes for Mexican and Ecuadorian traditions and South America.  However, research from my teacher Sophie Messenger and her peers has established that in the past many ancient cultures around the word have had a similar ritual of bounding to celebrate, heal and honour the rite of passage after a pregnancy.  This makes sense because the physical and emotional changes new mothers undergo are the same regardless of culture. Sadly, the practice of ritual is now not a common modern-day way for marking this life changing transition and the art of honouring and supporting a  woman after birth has sadly been lost.  This is something that needs to be honoured and more needs to be done to support woman after pregnancy.

During pregnancy, the body undergoes tremendous modifications to accommodate the growing baby: the pelvis tilts and widens, the spine curvature increases, the abdomen stretches to accommodate the growing uterus, which in turn also pushes all the internal abdominal organs up. The ribs also flare up to make room for this. During the birth the pelvis opens. Then after the birth all of this has to happen in reverse: the uterus shrinks back to its pre-pregnancy size, and the abdominal organs descend back into place. 

Closing the bones rituals are designed to provide much needed nurturing, as well as speed up the healing process on a physical, emotional and energetic/spiritual level. New mothers are very open, as the bones and soft tissues are stretched and loose after the birth. On the physical level, the massage and the tightening help to move the tissues around and support the process of moving from opening to closure.

New mothers are also open emotionally and spiritually, and the tightening of scarves around the body helps on this level too.  The wrapping helps us feel the contour of our bodies, provides a sense of being contained, a beautiful grounding practice.  On an energetic and spiritual level, the ritual helps new mothers come back to themselves, and provide a much-needed space to process the feelings and emotions that can accompany pregnancy, labour and motherhood.

You may have had a pregnancy few weeks ago or even 30 years ago. The benefit of this sacred healing practice is and should be available at all times.  To all mothers, all sexes and all humans.

The ceremony can be personal with just me and you.  Alternatively, you can have a group of friends and family to attend and particulate in your ceremony.

Each ceremony is different and each practitioner will tailor it best to their clients’ individual needs. It’s a calming beautiful practice, which calms the nervous system and clear the chakras and energy blocks within the body.  During the ceremony you will be held, touched, massaged.  Often followed with song, mantra, sound healing vibrations of drum, crystal bowls, chimes and gongs.  I also like to offer mediation, yoni steam and womb massage to accompany the ceremony.

sound healing during closing the bones



Closing the bones taps you directly back in with your  sacredness in a simple and effective way. As much as it’s self-care, It’s a ritual in it’s very essence.


The very act of laying on the earth using herbs in tea, oils to heal brings you back into synchronicity with the Earth and its rhythms. We hand over to these sweet and powerful medicines to weave their magic, we engage our intention, surrender into trust, and the magic unfolds


It’s a women’s health science created by women, for women to take their health into their own hands and restore their place of power back to vitality. In this way, it’s totally radical! With this perspective we KNOW that by healing ourselves we are supporting our children and communities for generations to come.


Let’s all take a moment to thank and praise the mamas that have kept this knowledge moving. We can only acknowledge this act of sacred activism, by trusting the wisdom of the generations of women that have carried the practice through from thousands of years ago, till now. Making them and their stories valid and integral to our health. Standing the test of time and re-emerging now with such fervour is enough of a testament for us that this is a profound gift and a wisdom to be respected.


In the past ten years or so (like many holistic health practices rooted in cultures that have remained deeply connected to the earth) it is making its way into popular culture in other parts of the world. I am passionate about handing this wisdom onto you so that you may support yourself with this subtle yet profound practice in way that creates shifts throughout your whole being.

To book

Full experience – Recommended first initial consultation £125,  2 hours

  • Special Herbal tea infusion , private consultation
  • Yoni steam -yoni meditation
  • Journaling opportunity
  • Womb massage
  • Tuning folk cleansing to activate the chakras
  • Closing of the bones ritual
  • Sound healing
  • Close

Closing the bones without the full consultation yoni steam or womb massage

£80.00, 1 hour